Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tips on being successful at MSU (Part 1)

If you read all the "How to be successful" books, there are two main themes

1. Set clear goals

2. Manage your time to achieve your goals

The formula for setting goals is SMART. SMART stands for

- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Reason
- Time-based

So, "graduating from MSU with a good CGPA" is not a SMART goal. However, "This semester, I want to get at least 3.2 in all my courses" is a SMART goal. To be effective, goals should be written down on a piece of paper and evaluated regularly.

Once you have a clear goal, you simply manage your time to achieve your goal. In practice that means,

- Not taking too many subjects every semester so you can score higher grades
- Studying regularly
- Revising regularly
- Not going back home every weekend

It also means, you have to prioritize between what is important and what is desirable. If it is time to study, and your girlfriend / boyfriend comes knocking on your door; you have to tell him / her that you are still studying and to come back later.

As a general rule, any student that has a CGPA above 3.2 is doing OK. Whenever the CGPA falls below that level, it is ALWAYS because of lack of SMART goals and poor time management. If in doubt, ask your mentor for advice on how to improve your goals / time management system.

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